
Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.


The original structure for the Bootstrap 4 cards remains intact. Lazy Kit brings more focus on them with the help of shadows and hover events.


How to look after and care for a dog

Owning a dog is great fun and immensely rewarding. But, dogs have complex needs and each dog is unique.


Woof! How to find dog-friendly beaches in Spain

Considering Spain's abundant coastline, beaches that do allow you to take your pooch to feel sand...


Getting Started With Your Puppy

This new addition to your family will require lots of love, attention and plenty of supplies.


Besides all the redesigned elements, we have also created 3 example pages!
They will give you a better idea of what you can build with the kit :)

Read the Docs

Check out the documentation for every element in order to fully see its possibilities. You will find examples for every component and the variations that it comes with.

See Documentation

Try Lazy Kit for free

Do you like how this kit looks? See what you can built with it!
We would love to see your work.
